Sunday, April 13, 2008


I haven't done a meme in a while, so i figured i would go along with the crowd and just follow along.

10 years ago today:

I was 12 years old. I don't know exactly what i was doing 10 years ago exactly this day. i don't remember exactly what i was doing last sunday. All i know is when i was 12 i was finally able to be a beehive in young womens. I was just out of primary and my mom thought i was still 7 years old or something because all of my Church dresses were big and frilly. I was pretty embarrased my first year of young womens because all the girls looked good in their silk skirts and nice blouses and there i was in a huge pink frilly dress.

5 things on my to do list today:

1. stop coughing like a smoker.
2. wrap some wedding gifts.
3. visit the family and the in-laws.
4. go on a walk with my hubby.
5. go to sleep at a reasonable time.

my to do list is pretty simple because today is sunday. if it were another day it would quite different.

snacks i enjoy:

I love cookies! especially my homemade chocolate chip ones. its probably bad that i like my own cookies the most, but whatever.

i also am a sucker for dove chocolate. talk about dilectable.

and i can't forget about ice cream. my favorite is either chocolate chip cookie dough or cookies n' cream. YUMMY!

Things i would do if i were suddenly a billionaire:

First, i would not let it go to my head. Then I would put away money so me and jarred could finish school without any debt. Then i would buy everyone in my family any car they wanted. I would also get a house and buy my siblings and siblings-in-laws houses too if they wanted them. Then i would buy lots of food storage items because thats important too. Then i would save the rest for retirement.

3 of my bad habits:

1. picking at my nails.
2. getting frustrated with my cooking and taking it out on jarred.
3. not cleaning the house each week.

Jobs i've had:

Dance teacher and assistant, janitor, pizza maker, pizza sign shaker (thats right, i danced like a fool on a street corner holding a domino's sign), telemarketer, janitor again, receptionist, dealer trade driver (this one has the perks of being able to drive new cars every once in a while), reading tutor, and medical assistant.

Five things people don't know about me:

1. i have bunions and when i was little i thought everyones feet looked like that. it wasn't until 7th grade that i found out that normal feet didn't look like mine.

2. after Thanksgiving my favorite breakfast is leftover pie.

3. I didn't have a cell phone until i was married.

4. I pretended to have a broken ankle on april fools day to get out of a ballet class.

5. if i could only have one thing of make up i would choose my mary kay mascara.

Now i tag anyone who reads my blog to this same meme. which is about 2 people, if i'm lucky!


Lois said...

Yeah, that drove me crazy that your mother would dress you like a three-year-old when you were in your early teens. Oh well, that's what you get for being the only girl.

Becca said...

yay i am so glad you are blogging again! I've been checking it every once in awhile since you left....and was expecting to see "food storage gallore" again. So glad it's a meme. And I'll do it. soon. :o) Welcome back blogging friend.

also...that thing about the frilly dress in YW's....yes I know exactly what you mean. it made me laugh so hard. Good thing Casidy Kelemen was my best friend and in YW's with me...because she never cared what I wore. haha. good times.

also...did you not have a cell phone when you were engaged or dating and doing the UT-ID relationship?

JandB said...

becca- i didn't have a cell phone when jarred and i were doing the whole long distance thing. i don't know how we survived. When i have a girl going into young womens i'm going to have to make sure i look at what the other girls are wearing so she doesn't feel dumb.

Becca said...

Yeh, I really don't know you survived. We had to get a cell phone and unlimited texting -- seriously, I don't think we were ever NOT talking in some way.

good thinking about checking out the other girls clothing when yours enters YW's. I will have to remember that for Grace.