Wednesday, December 07, 2005


My humanities teacher gave everybody in our class the chance to justify why they have a crappy grade in the class and if the reasons are good enough she just my give them a slightly better grade. Well, I am always looking for ways to get a better grade, so I decided to do this optional assignment. I thought I had some really good reasons and I think you'll agree when you read this.

Dear Sister Cochran:

Thinking back on the semester, I believe that I have done all that I could do for the Humanities 101 class, and yet I don't know if I'm getting the grade I deserve. There are many things going on in my life at the moment that I can't exactly control, causing my academic career to take the fall. This paper describes these many things that I can't control in further detail so that I can gain the well deserved pity from the teacher of the aforementioned humanities class.
Firstly, I have to make sure that my eternal salvation is taken care of, which means that I must find a husband while I am here at BYU-Idaho. The only way that I know of to gain this so called husband is to get acquainted with and date many members of the opposite sex, otherwise known as men. Now, I spent much of my free time (a.k.a. homework time) figuring out how I can get asked out on as many dates as possible. I figured out that one place to meet these men is at the gym. I, therefore, was obligated to be at the gym every night or afternoon. Not only was I finding men, but I was also toning my abs and thighs. Therefore, my time spent at the gym was necessary for my eternal salvation, which takes precedence over school work.
Secondly, I have become a professional snowflake maker. I am definitely in demand at this time of year. My career in this field is just starting out and causes my life to become very busy. I spend nearly half of my time just talking with investors and managers of scissor and paper factories. I realize that even though I am working on my eternal salvation, but if I don't get married I need something to fall back on. Hence, I have built my snowflake company from the ground up in hopes that I will be able to earn some extra bucks. I also have spent another large portion of my time coming up with a name for my company, but I finally decided upon, "Snowflakes by Becky." It took me a long time to come up with this name, which also was something that took time away from studying for certain humanities tests.
Finally, I have decided that if the snowflake business flops, I will have yet another thing to fall back on: T.V. critic. To prepare for this, I have decided that I must watch hours upon hours of television each day to get a broad spectrum of what is on television these days. I found that between watching TLC's "What Not To Wear," NBC's "ER," and The WB's "Gilmore Girls" I just simply have no time for my academic career.
As you can see, I lead a very busy life and have done the best I could with my school work and studying for Humanities 101. I hope that now you will have pity on me and allow me to have the grade which we both know that I deserve.
Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day!
Becky Karlsven

There you have it, the real reasons for my grades. Do you think I am justified to receive an

Thursday, December 01, 2005

A Little Bit About Me

Well, I'm finally complying to compulsive writers tag. It actually took me quite a while to finally come up with 5 things that people don't know about me.

1. I am a professional paper snowflake maker. I have yet to received a certificate saying that I am one, but if you ever visit my apartment, you'll see the amazingly beautiful snowflakes that my roommate and I made.

2. I have tried to watch "Revenge of the Sith" 3 times but I just keep falling asleep.

3. I have the ability to fall asleep with my hand outstretched still gripping the remote. (Once I get the remote I don't like to give it up!)

4. Last summer I went to Austria, Germany, and Venice for a short dance performance tour. It was amazing! I even took a ballet class from a gay guy named Ferry.

5. I have a broken back. Last April I went to the doctor to have him check a knee injury. I got my knee and back X-rayed and it turns out that at some point in my life I received a compound fracture to one of my vertebrae. I thought that was weird, especially since I don't remember doing anything to break my back.

I don't know too many people on this whole blogger thing, so I can just tag a couple people, but I'm going to tag, becca just and the amazing spider-man fan.