Sunday, April 13, 2008


I haven't done a meme in a while, so i figured i would go along with the crowd and just follow along.

10 years ago today:

I was 12 years old. I don't know exactly what i was doing 10 years ago exactly this day. i don't remember exactly what i was doing last sunday. All i know is when i was 12 i was finally able to be a beehive in young womens. I was just out of primary and my mom thought i was still 7 years old or something because all of my Church dresses were big and frilly. I was pretty embarrased my first year of young womens because all the girls looked good in their silk skirts and nice blouses and there i was in a huge pink frilly dress.

5 things on my to do list today:

1. stop coughing like a smoker.
2. wrap some wedding gifts.
3. visit the family and the in-laws.
4. go on a walk with my hubby.
5. go to sleep at a reasonable time.

my to do list is pretty simple because today is sunday. if it were another day it would quite different.

snacks i enjoy:

I love cookies! especially my homemade chocolate chip ones. its probably bad that i like my own cookies the most, but whatever.

i also am a sucker for dove chocolate. talk about dilectable.

and i can't forget about ice cream. my favorite is either chocolate chip cookie dough or cookies n' cream. YUMMY!

Things i would do if i were suddenly a billionaire:

First, i would not let it go to my head. Then I would put away money so me and jarred could finish school without any debt. Then i would buy everyone in my family any car they wanted. I would also get a house and buy my siblings and siblings-in-laws houses too if they wanted them. Then i would buy lots of food storage items because thats important too. Then i would save the rest for retirement.

3 of my bad habits:

1. picking at my nails.
2. getting frustrated with my cooking and taking it out on jarred.
3. not cleaning the house each week.

Jobs i've had:

Dance teacher and assistant, janitor, pizza maker, pizza sign shaker (thats right, i danced like a fool on a street corner holding a domino's sign), telemarketer, janitor again, receptionist, dealer trade driver (this one has the perks of being able to drive new cars every once in a while), reading tutor, and medical assistant.

Five things people don't know about me:

1. i have bunions and when i was little i thought everyones feet looked like that. it wasn't until 7th grade that i found out that normal feet didn't look like mine.

2. after Thanksgiving my favorite breakfast is leftover pie.

3. I didn't have a cell phone until i was married.

4. I pretended to have a broken ankle on april fools day to get out of a ballet class.

5. if i could only have one thing of make up i would choose my mary kay mascara.

Now i tag anyone who reads my blog to this same meme. which is about 2 people, if i'm lucky!

Monday, April 07, 2008

She's Back!

I haven't blogged in a long time and it is time that i repent and blog more frequently than once every 6 months. I have been extremely know, with the full time job and not going to school and not having kids to take care of. i clearly did not have enough time to blog since i was spending 35 hours a week slaving away at a job. how was i supposed to fit anything else into my day? i must admit though, that i haven't left the blogging world completely. everyday i have checked other peoples blogs, i just didn't have the desire to write anything of my own. But, it is time to start blogging again. Let me catch you up on what you have missed.

I'm now working as a Medical Assistant in a pediatricians office. I love it! some of you may be wondering what the heck a medical assistant is. Well, you know when you go to the doctors office and you think its a nurse taking you back to the room, giving you the shots, and testing your strep swabs? That is actually a medical assistant doing that. Rarely do doctors hire nurses to work in their private offices because they cost too much, so that's why they have medical assistants. i know you all wanted to be educated about this. I'm also slowly, and i mean very slowly, working on my bachelors degree in Integrated studies at UVU (uvsc). Since jarred and i don't want to go into debt with school, we have decided to switch off semesters when we go to school. So this summer I'm going to be taking a couple classes and still going to work full time.

I've also started teaching piano lessons on my day off from my job. We don't have a piano yet, so my mom is kind enough to let me use her house and her supplies to help me get started teaching. we have a recital coming up in May, so hopefully my beginners will be ready. I'm pretty excited about it. I'm sure they will all do great. Its so fun to watch my students improve and learn more about the piano.

Another thing i haven't blogged about is that i have been going to this Relief Society cooking class every month. Anyways, I'm the youngest woman in the little class and the teacher always is so excited when i come. She's this cute grandma lady that just loves everybody. Anyways, i told her that i want to learn how to make bread, but i don't want anything too hard. So she lent me a DVD called Pantry Secrets, or something like that, and i learned how to make bread!!! the recipe i have is actually really easy. I don't even have to make the yeast bubble up in a separate bowl or anything. The DVD also taught me how to make homemade Cinnamon rolls, which i love to make, mostly because they taste yummy. Anyways, i was pretty proud of myself that i could accomplish something like this. keep checking my blog because I'm going to try to post some pictures and more posts more often!