I'm a reading tutor at an elementary school. I go around to different classrooms and pull certain kids out that need help with their reading. A lot of these kids are Hispanic who have only been in the country for a year or two. they do surprisingly well. Its been a lot of fun helping them with their reading skills.
One time I got a girl from her 4th grade class. The story we were reading mentioned the Alps. I was explaining to her that they are mountains in Europe kind of like we have the Rocky Mountains here in Utah.
Of course me being from Utah I said moun'ains when I was explaining this.
Then she said:
"My grandma says that people who say moun'ains and not mountains are lazy"
I tried to keep my cool about this and just said something about Utah accents. I'm trying to teach her how to read and here she is critiquing my speech!
Okay, so I have a Utah accent. Her grandmother can just sue me.